Empowering trades at the speed of thought


    Redefining high-frequency trading

    • Vister Systems helps businesses and quants navigate the complexities of HFT. With the cutting-edge technologies and market insights, we keep you at the top of your game.
    • The most advanced HFT algorithms. Robust research and development platforms. Automated monitoring. We have it all.
Data & analytics

Data & analytics


Invest in better research.
  • Analysis of market microstructures, prediction analytics, and AI-powered research.
  • Discover the nuances of market behavior with tools that offer AI-driven insights and data visualizations.


Solve data problems.
  • Market data feeds with ultra-low latency. High-speed normalization and cleaning of historical data.
  • Streamline and standardize the data feeds forming the backbone of every trade, allowing you to stay on top of the market.
Strategy design & testing

Strategy design & testing


Your perfect backtesting is here.
  • We simulate market dynamics precisely, providing an ideal environment for strategy validation and analysis.
  • Tools for parameter optimization, risk assessment, and portfolio impact simulations.


Algorithm development made easy.
  • Machine learning integration for predictive modeling and strategy enhancement. Frameworks for designing, testing, and optimizing trading strategies.
  • Perfecting algorithms is an art. Merge vision with validation in sandbox environments.
Execution & operations

Execution & operations


Brilliantly executed orders.
  • Discover a platform built for split-second decisions, along with colocation services that keep you on top of your game.
  • Direct Market Access (DMA) tools. Smart order routing. Colocation services.


An orchestrated approach.
  • Ensure adaptability and resilience by managing, deploying, and expanding your strategies.
  • Multiple trading strategy implementation, scaling, and management. Automation of startup, shutdown, and fail-over mechanisms.
Infrastructure & connectivity

Infrastructure & connectivity


A DevOps powerhouse.
  • HFT-optimized clouds and hybrid clouds. Infrastructure as code for replicable, scalable systems.
  • Built from the ground up for the future of HFT. Our optimized operations ensure minimal latency, optimal resource utilization, and rapid implementation.

Boostrix Pack

The ultimate network & connection solutions.
  • Global connectivity solutions for the world's leading exchanges. Low-latency networking software. Data transmission optimization services.
  • HFT networks bridge you to top exchanges seamlessly, enabling you to trade faster and smarter.
Compliance & monitoring

Compliance & monitoring


Your one-stop monitoring solution.
  • Real-time monitoring dashboards. Predefined alerts. Performance attribution and post-trade analytics.
  • A 360-degree view of your trading operations. Streamlined dashboards highlight your performance, while post-trade analytics tease out the day's successes and failures.


Keep security and compliance up to date.
  • Global and regional compliance systems. Cybersecurity and encryption solutions tailored for HFT. Audit trail tools and regulatory reporting.
  • Take control of your global trading regulations with confidence, backed by a fortress-like security system.